Ice Bucs Press On through Spirited Season
The sound of hands banging on the Plexiglas comes from the enthusiastic group of Berkeley hockey supporters. At the Ice Bucs’ October 23 game, the “Bill of Rights” theme was ever-present in their very artistic signs, which sported modified amendments such as, “No cruel or unusual punishment.” Some spectator highlights included: Callie Karpman ’17 falling off Zach Lockhart’s ’16 shoulders and devoted fan Jake Meyers ’16 ever-present camo attire.The fans’ positive spirit was showcased most prominently by their loud cheering skills, which remained as strong throughout the game as they have over the course of the whole season.

Berkeley fans can be seen supporting the Ice Bucs with their very unique and original posters.
Despite not winning a game in 11 years, the hockey team still manages to have fun out on the ice. “We kinda just play to play, it doesn’t matter if we win or lose we still have fun” explained Justin Rudolph ’19. Although they played well, with some close scoring opportunities in the last two periods, their game on October 23 ended in a 10-0 loss against Steinbrenner High School. Similarly, their game on October 30 versus Newsome High School, away at the Ice Sports Forum in Tampa, ended in a loss of 12-0. Colton Karpman ‘16 is the “head of the fans” and always brings with him an energetic crowd. Even without a theme to lure the fans to the hockey rink, with the support of Karpman and his fellow students, a hockey game will never be empty.

Catelin Lipham is a sophomore who has been at Berkeley since sixth grade. She enjoys getting lost in a good book and aspires to be an author. She is also...