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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

MATH THEMES: Chair of the Mathematics Department David Ide shares some of his favorite math-themed jokes.

Jokes Through the Ages

Jack Mouch, Staff Writer February 26, 2017

Many jokesters are lurking around the Berkeley campus, and you might just catch one of their punchlines! During a stressful school day, hearing a classmate’s joke is one of the many upsides of being...

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: A crowd gathers in the Technology Center’s conference room for a game of Super Smash Bros. In the front is (from left) is Andrew Hoffman ‘17, Leonel Ochoa ‘17 and Mary Kate Brittain ‘17. The three of them are the head Technology Ambassadors who organized this event.

Berkeley’s First Formal Smash Bros. Tournament

Austin Cahn, Staff Writer February 6, 2017

Punches were thrown, opponents were conquered and no balloon went unpopped from January 11-19th as Upper Division students participated in Berkeley’s first Smash Bros. Tournament. Swarms of students...

THE BPS FANFARE: Seen above is The Fanfare’s board. The Fanfare is Berkeley’s online and print student newspaper.

Need a Club to Join? Look No Further.

Arjun Gandhi, Photography Editor September 21, 2016
Berkeley's annual club fair boasts endless options for the prospective student clubbie.
Terrorists struggle to hold down a barricade the counter-terrorists push in the rescue the hostage. The December 2015 release was accompanied by praise for the importance of teamwork and the possibilities of complicated tactics. “It isn’t who can get the most kills, but rather who can strategize the best,” said junior Ryan Li.

Ten New and Upcoming PC Games to Check Out

Samir Rajani, Staff Writer April 7, 2016

Undertale Summary: A critically acclaimed RPG (role-playing game) that has been hyped since the Kickstarter campaign was first launched, Undertale is the talk of the gaming community right now....

Students were able to compete against their friends in different trivia subtopics such as sports, math and science, and pop culture.

Upper Division Rallies Around History Bowl Trivia Tournament

Austin Cahn, Staff Writer November 24, 2015

   Throughout the week from November 9 to the 13, students could be seen devouring their meals while rushing to Gills Hall or the Jean Ann Cone Library. Crowds gathered to watch their favorite teams...

The collection of amazing pumpkins can be found in the library--make sure to vote for your favorite!

Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest Boosts Halloween Spirit

Mira Rajani, Staff Writer November 4, 2015

     Upper Division advisory groups  have spent the past few weeks diligently turning  regular cardboard pumpkins into creative masterpieces as a part of the annual pumpkin decorating contest, hosted...

Book it to the Library: Check out These Books!

Book it to the Library: Check out These Books!

Daniela Marques, Staff Writer October 23, 2014

This summer was sizzling. What better to accompany your tall glass of iced tea than a book? Some of Berkeley’s book enthusiasts shared their favorite summer books. Berkeley Prefect, senior, and...

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