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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

MATH THEMES: Chair of the Mathematics Department David Ide shares some of his favorite math-themed jokes.

Jokes Through the Ages

Jack Mouch, Staff Writer February 26, 2017

Many jokesters are lurking around the Berkeley campus, and you might just catch one of their punchlines! During a stressful school day, hearing a classmate’s joke is one of the many upsides of being...

The 2016 Oscars, hosted by Chris Rock, will be live on Sunday, February 28th on ABC at 8:30 pm EST.

And the Oscar Goes to

Annie Uichanco, Staff Writer February 22, 2016

This night has been anticipated by many a talented, ambitious actor. How can one not enjoy one of the greatest live television spectacles held each year in the iconic Dolby Theatre? The glamorous luminaries...

Mr. Hurst

New Faculty Profile: Thomas Hurst

Jennifer Luo, News Editor September 18, 2014

Thomas Hurst is a mathematics teacher who has joined the Berkeley community this year. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Management from Florida State University, a bachelor’s degree in Secondary...

Students Try Their Luck at Fantasy Football

Sean Nguyen, Staff Writer November 1, 2013

It’s that time of the year again, Berkeley Bucs. Whether an optimistic Jaguars fan or a confident 49ers fan, many in our community have a reason to be excited–football is back. As exciting as football...

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