Punches were thrown, opponents were conquered and no balloon went unpopped from January 11-19th as Upper Division students participated in Berkeleyâs first Smash Bros. Tournament. Swarms of students...
As the rest of the school sat in their B block classes early Friday morning, Berkeleyâs cross country teams loaded onto a bus and set off for Tallahassee. Their next stop? The 2016 Cross...
On October 28, Berkeley held its 2016 Homecoming all-school convo. Â This all-school convo was a success, celebrating fall athletics, student progress this school year, and offering a preview of what the...
   On Thursday, October 22, the boysâ and girlsâ varsity cross country teams competed in districts and achieved resounding successes. The varsity girlsâ cross country team, consisting of...