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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: A crowd gathers in the Technology Center’s conference room for a game of Super Smash Bros. In the front is (from left) is Andrew Hoffman ‘17, Leonel Ochoa ‘17 and Mary Kate Brittain ‘17. The three of them are the head Technology Ambassadors who organized this event.

Berkeley’s First Formal Smash Bros. Tournament

Austin Cahn, Staff Writer February 6, 2017

Punches were thrown, opponents were conquered and no balloon went unpopped from January 11-19th as Upper Division students participated in Berkeley’s first Smash Bros. Tournament. Swarms of students...

FINALLY FALL: Brian Showalter ’19 and Makayla Rutski ’18 manage to look cheerful in the cold morning as they get ready to watch the team’s run.

Cross Country Ends An Era

Catelin Lipham, Video Editor November 11, 2016

  As the rest of the school sat in their B block classes early Friday morning, Berkeley’s cross country teams loaded onto a bus and set off for Tallahassee. Their next stop? The 2016 Cross...

MD CHEERLEADERS DANCE US INTO A GREAT WEEKEND: Their audience sat captivated, as the Middle Division Cheerleaders performed classic BPS cheers with spirit and grace. The girls punctuated their dance routine with flawless stunts, preparing the Armada for a cheerful weekend.

All-School Convo Brings Students Together

Leana Fraifer, Staff Writer November 5, 2016

On October 28, Berkeley held its 2016 Homecoming all-school convo.  This all-school convo was a success, celebrating fall athletics, student progress this school year, and offering a preview of what the...

Last thursday, Berkeley Prep’s Cross Country teams competed at Districts in AL Lopez Park. After a grueling race, our Girls Cross Country team was named District Runner Up, and our Boys Cross Country team was named District Champions.

Bucs Prevail at Cross Country Districts

Samantha Tun, Staff Writer October 27, 2015

     On Thursday, October 22, the boys’ and girls’ varsity cross country teams competed in districts and achieved resounding successes. The varsity girls’ cross country team, consisting of...

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