Every Friday night, students look forward to attending football games or other sporting events. However, athletic performances are not the only events for students to watch. Advanced Drama puts on incredible...
August 11, 2014 was a sad day for many when actor and comedian Robin Williams was found dead at age 63 in his Tiburon, California home. Shock spread throughout the nation as people struggled to understand...
The warm touch of spring will grace Berkeley grounds with a renewed vigor: the frigid cold front will be gone, the birds will flutter about, and a metaphorical song will dance on the lips of nearly every...
When Kathi Grau first began working in Upper Division, the theatre department was undergoing a major transition towards a more formal drama program. With these new adjustments taking place, Grau hoped...
Sarah Ali, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• September 2, 2013
Berkeley students are teeming with talent. Whether it is in academics, sports or the arts, students are always pushing themselves to achieve success in anything that they do. There is one specific student...