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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

MATH THEMES: Chair of the Mathematics Department David Ide shares some of his favorite math-themed jokes.

Jokes Through the Ages

Jack Mouch, Staff Writer February 26, 2017

Many jokesters are lurking around the Berkeley campus, and you might just catch one of their punchlines! During a stressful school day, hearing a classmate’s joke is one of the many upsides of being...

Are You Smarter Than a Berkeley Student?

Raj Ghanekar, Staff Writer November 21, 2016

Name this NBA center from Africa who is tied for the tallest player in NBA history, standing at 7 foot, 7 inches. The answer is Manute Bol. Did you know that? For most people, the answer is a resounding...

THE BPS FANFARE: Seen above is The Fanfare’s board. The Fanfare is Berkeley’s online and print student newspaper.

Need a Club to Join? Look No Further.

Arjun Gandhi, Photography Editor September 21, 2016
Berkeley's annual club fair boasts endless options for the prospective student clubbie.

Video Games Are Helping Us Learn

Zachary Diamandis, Features Editor December 6, 2013

High school is a lot of work. Students with busy academic and extracurricular schedules often find it hard to set aside leisure time. The free time that they do have is spent in different ways, but a common...

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