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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

MATH THEMES: Chair of the Mathematics Department David Ide shares some of his favorite math-themed jokes.

Jokes Through the Ages

Jack Mouch, Staff Writer February 26, 2017

Many jokesters are lurking around the Berkeley campus, and you might just catch one of their punchlines! During a stressful school day, hearing a classmate’s joke is one of the many upsides of being...

FEATHERED THANKSGIVING: Lower Division students made their own versions of Native American headdresses for the all-school convocation.

Berkeley Gives Thanks at All-School Convo

Isabella Schlact, Nina Pastore, and Nadia Al-Hassani November 29, 2016

On November 22, Berkeley students came together at the 2016 Thanksgiving all-school convocation.  With a message from Headmaster Joseph Seivold, singing led by Lower Division and faculty and students...

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