Hallway Chronicles: Addison Aloian
Aloian talks her evolution as a performer, her job as a role model and her new iTunes song.
October 21, 2017
Berkeley’s all-female acapella group, the Mello Divas, is known for captivating every audience they perform for. Not only have they enthralled their own school, but they have also represented Berkeley nationwide at shows and competitions. Recently, I had the opportunity to interview one of their members, Addison Aloian ’18, about what it’s like to be a part of the Mello Divas and her successes as a musician, which include playing lead roles in Berkeley productions and releasing her own song, “Thanks to You”, on iTunes.

HIT THE HIGH NOTES: Senior Addison Aloian impresses a crowd alongside her fellow singers in the Mello Divas.
Q: What is it like being a part of the Mello Divas?
A: We start by singing in sectionals. We prepare with voice recordings and using the piano for about 20 to 30 minutes, and then regroup together. It’s very student directed. We definitely have strong friendships, and that helps with our improvement.
Q: What is your role in the Mello Divas?
A: I don’t have a specific role in the Mello Divas, but since I’m the only senior who’s been in the Mello Divas for four years, I do feel like I have responsibilities, like keeping everyone focused. I also hope I can be someone who other members look up to.
Q: How long have you been singing, and when did you realize singing was your passion?
A: I’ve been performing for a long time, dancing ballet. Around seventh and eighth grade, I realized I didn’t have the body type they were looking for. I wasn’t fat, of course, but I have more [of] an athletic build. So around that time I started focusing on singing. I tried out for the middle school musical in eighth grade and got the lead. And I’ve been watching the Mello Divas since I was a kid in middle school, and wanted to sing in it.
Q: What was the process like to put a song on iTunes?
A: My music teacher has a recording studio, and I was his guinea pig to try it out. I write all of my own songs, so in my freshmen and sophomore years I recorded the first song that I wrote. The process took a long time, and when I finished it, I had to get it produced, too.
Q: What do you consider to be your biggest musical accomplishment?
A: I would say there’s a mixture of things that I’ve done. Probably the most important thing I’ve done is improve as a singer. For the past four years, I’ve worked on things such as improving my tone and range. I’ve also taken part in a lot of shows.
Q: Is singing a career in your the future, and if so, what kind of vocal career do you want to pursue?
A: I’ve applied for schools with singing in mind. I would want to focus on musical theory, classical and contemporary studies. I would also want to keep doing studio recording.
Q: What advice do you have for aspiring Mello Divas?
A: Be confident, and practice confidence. Also practice not being stressed. Practicing always helps for everything. Take voice lessons, and take risks. I would recommend practicing sight singing [which is the ability to read and sing music at first sight, also referred to as vocal sight-reading or prima vista], since that’s a big part of being in the Mello Divas.