Your Travel Guide to Hogwarts
Floo Powder your way to Hogwarts with the help of this travel guide.
November 3, 2016
No matter how old we grow, every year we wait for the letter announcing our invitation to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And with the recent release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as well as the pending release of the upcoming film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, these feelings are amplified. But what would you do if you were asked to pack your bags and take the Hogwarts Express immediately? Thanks to this nifty guide from Oh! The Places You Should Go, when you get that letter, you can pack your bags and go straight there. Well, you might have to pick up some supplies in Diagon Alley first.

NIGHTTIME IN ENGLAND: At night, Hogwarts looks blue in the moonlight. It’s not that scary, unless you want to go into the Forbidden Forest. Most students just stick to the Restricted Section of the library.
What to bring:
- Hogwart’s Acceptance Letter: You can’t get in without one. That’s the rule.
Emma Edmund
YOU’RE ACCEPTED: If you come home and your house looks like this, then congrats! You’ve been accepted to Hogwarts (you’ll also need a bigger recycling bin). - School Robes: Nice robe, nice life: no robe, detention. Once you are sorted into your house, pick up some robes in Madame Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Robes are an easy way to identify your fellow house members, and you will grow to love the different colors that you associate with the House Cup and those super intense Quidditch games.
Emma Edmund
- Snacks: These are a must-have for the journey to Hogwarts. Choose some classics, such as Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans and Chocolate Frogs, but grab some Fizzing Whizbees or Sugar Quills too.
- Wizard Money: When you take a visit to Hogsmeade or want to grab a copy of the Daily Prophet, you are going to need this currency, because dollars and pounds won’t get you much.
- Letters and Quills: Your family will miss you. Make sure to bring writing material so that you can keep in touch (and they might send you a gift card you can redeem at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes).
Emma Edmund
JOKE’S ON YOU: If you want to prank your new classmates, then Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is the place to satisfy your pranking desires. - Owl: You definitely need an owl like Hedwig. Luckily, Eeylops Owl Emporium has an owl you can call your own.
- School Supplies: You are going to school, after all. Pick up your books at Flourish and Blotts, buy sound-canceling earmuffs for the Mandrake lesson in Herbology or a broomstick for flying class and maybe find a study group so that you can pass your Potions O.W.L.
STUDY, STUDY, STUDY: Hogwarts isn’t all fun and games. You will have to study significantly to pass those exams at the end of the year (the notorious O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. And I heard that they haven’t had a decent Potions teacher since Severus Snape.). - Marauder’s Map: This map will help you if you want to sneak out at night or avoid a Death Eater. It might save your life one day.
- Wand: A wand is the most important item. You can’t even call yourself a wizard or witch without one. So pop on over to Ollivander’s and get that sorted out, pronto.
Emma Edmund
MAY THE WAND BE WITH YOU: They say the wand chooses you. Find out if that’s true by stopping by Ollivander’s during your Diagon Alley shopping spree.
How to get there:
- Hogwarts Express: Treat yourself. Sit in the lap of luxury as you speed your way to Hogwarts. You also can have that awe-inspiring moment when you walk through a wall and step onto Platform 9¾ (assuming a house elf doesn’t stop you). Make sure all of your luggage have bag tags on them, though. You don’t want a mix-up between your bags and another student’s.
Neil Hopkinson
ALL ABOARD: Amy Hopkinson (left) and I decided to see what the hype was all about. Turns out the Hogwarts Express is an actual steam engine train — I thought it ran on magic. - Floo Powder: This way is more dangerous (you have to throw the powder and step into a fireplace while maintaining a vision of where you wish to go), but if you’re in a rush, then it might be the best option. Just make sure you keep a clear vision of where you want to go– if not, you could end up at Ilvermorny instead of Hogwarts. This is probably the best way to go if you’re stuck at the Ministry of Magic, explaining to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes some Muggle-worthy excuses to use when wizard conflicts are witnessed by people like Dudley Dursley, and missed the Express.
- Ron’s Flying Car: You have to have a death wish. Or you must be a serious adrenaline junkie to choose this mode of transportation. Just take Felix Felicis before you go and hope for the best.
Neil Hopkinson
AVOID THE SKY: When I am behind the wheel, things are bad. But when Ron Weasley is behind the wheel, things are worse. Would not recommend taking an airplane while he’s driving on the off chance that you encounter each other in the sky.
- House Dorms: You will stay in your respective house dormitory, and don’t forget to investigate all of the hidden parts of each dorm. Here’s a hint: the entrance to Gryffindor Tower requires that you give a password to the Fat Lady– otherwise you have to wait until one of your friends comes up to the dorm with the password. Major note: if you’re a Gryffindor, and you’re trying to escape Filch when you are out past curfew, know the password. Also enjoy time in the common room. Who knows? You might get a good Prefect that keeps things relaxed (instead of a Percy Weasley wannabe), and you won’t get yelled at when your owl accidentally poops on the floor.
Emma Edmund
CHILL IN THE DORMS: While at the Hogwarts boarding school, you can hang out in the Common Room with both the boys and girls in your house. Picture above is the Gryffindor Common Room.
Where to go:

BABY POTTER: You can also visit Godric’s Hollow, the birthplace of Harry Potter and where the first battle with Lord Voldemort took place. Spooky.
- Hagrid’s Hut: Do you want to see a baby dragon? Or hear awesome stories? Then go to Hagrid’s Hut, and enjoy a nice conversation with the man himself, as he tells you about the days of Dumbledore and He Who Must Not be Named.
- Great Hall: Go here if you’re hungry — you will not be disappointed. Grab some snacks and enjoy holiday-themed treats (pumpkin juice, anyone?).
- Prefects’ Bathroom: Make sure to bring your Lush products and have the best bubble bath of your life. Major way to relieve stress.
- Dumbledore’s Office: Say hi to Fawkes like you would say hi to Bassett the guide dog, and have a chat with one of the Dumbledore paintings.
Emma Edmund
DUMBLEDORE’S OFFICE: Sometimes it’s nice to just stop by and talk to the paintings of all of the former headmasters on the walls. Or look into someone’s memories with the Pensieve. Your choice. - Outside of Hogwarts: Grab a Butterbeer in Hogsmeade, catch a homemade dinner in The Burrow or visit the birthplace of the Chosen One in Godric’s Hollow. Just make sure you have a signed permission slip from your parents so you can go on these excursions.
Emma Edmund
The possibilities are endless at Hogwarts. Most importantly, make friends and avoid falling off those rotating staircases. And don’t worry, Umbridge doesn’t work there anymore.

COZY AND CUTE: If you want a place to go where you will always feel welcome, go to The Burrow and hang out with Ron Weasley’s family. You can also help Mr. Weasley figure out how to use Muggle items.