Jess Agran ’23 Recounts the High School Experience Using Poetry

The Fanfare sat down with Jess Agran to discuss her experience creating the class poem

Each year, as an unconventional tradition, Berkeley bestows one senior with the title of Class Poet. This member of the graduating class is charged with describing their class’s memories, emotions and overall high school experience through free verse. Jess Agran, class of ’23, was chosen for the task this year. 


POWERFUL POEM: Class Poet Jess Agran ’23 looks back on her class’s experiences and centers her poem around the theme of “serendipity”: the emotion that comes with the end of high school. (Photo Credit: Emma Colitz ’26)

When asked about her experience creating the poem, Agran described the contentment of writing it. 


“It was a great way to express my gratitude towards Berkeley,” she said. 


Within her poem, Agran takes note of the stress that comes with being a high school student in this day and age. The seniors have all struggled with a demanding workload at Berkeley, but as Agran states, it has helped them gain preparedness. 


Her poem comments on how as they move on to the subsequent phases of their lives, the class of ’23 will no doubt face challenges; however, their experience at Berkeley will help them to push their limits as they gain new insights and knowledge. 


A key word repeated in Agran’s poem is “serendipity.” She uses it to sum up the feeling of the future being within reach after much work and patience. After finally completing high school, Agran encourages her classmates to relax and “enjoy a warm summer breeze” as they enter the new stages of their lives. The pressure and anxiety tied to high school have ended for the seniors, and many will make the most of their last summer before college. 


In the first stanza of her poem, Agran equates the common first-day-of-school feelings to her current emotions as she leaves Berkeley. Graduation day no doubt came with tears and emotion, but the senior class is more than ready for their new adventures. Throughout her poem, Agran was able to summarize her class’s journey, both past and present, in an unforgettable way. 


Read the full interview here:
Q: What was your experience with creating the poem?

A: I really enjoyed the experience of writing it. It was a great way to express my gratitude towards Berkeley. Plus, working with Ms. M.P. was an amazing way to end the school year.


Q: What is something you enjoyed about writing the poem?

A: I especially enjoyed being able to pinpoint all of the people that made my year particularly great. 


Q: Are you excited to share your poem at the Commencement ceremony?

A: Yes! I can’t wait to read the poem to everyone and summarize this school year in a beautiful way!


Read the full speech here:

Class Poem – Jess Agran