Tripp Crouch ’86 Shares Wise Words
June 8, 2021

This year’s speaker Tripp Crouch ’86, father to senior Thatcher Crouch ’21, shared kind words and advice to the class of 2021. As a former student and Student Forum President, Crouch knows the stress that can be caused by transitioning from high school to college. He wanted the seniors to know that wherever their future studies and careers may take them, they should make sure that they are enjoying themselves and their work.
“It [the job] becomes a large part of your self-identity, co-workers will become friends, travel revolves around work events, even volunteering and charity work involve leveraging professional expertise,” Crouch said.
Crouch continued to speak about the amazing support system the students at Berkeley had access to. Contrasting Berkeley in the 80s, when he was a student, with today, Crouch reminded the seniors of the time and effort that is put into each and every day at school.
Crouch shared his thanks to Berkeley’s faculty and staff, senior parents and the seniors themselves.
“I’ll speak for everyone here today and just say this: Members of the Graduating Class of 2021, wherever you’re going, we hope you get there.”

Read Tripp Crouch’s Parent Speech: