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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

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The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

The student voice of Berkeley Preparatory School

The Fanfare

CHOICE ANXIETY: Many young people in the modern world face issues when searching for their career path. High schools try to introduce students to a plethora of different subjects and topics so that when faced with choosing, students have background knowledge to apply to these choices. The online program YouScience is attempting to solve the issue of uncertainty by hinting at potential jobs based on the interests and aptitudes of individual students.

Using Your Personality to Choose Courses

Tess Fuller, Staff Writer March 3, 2017

Everybody loves a good mystery, but too many dread the greatest of them all — the future. What makes the human psyche so difficult to understand is that humans don’t have a single personality trait....

Feel free to visit Ms. Carter if you have any questions regarding the college admissions process.

Ms. Carter’s Tips for Surviving the College Process

Hannah Cohen, Staff Writer October 28, 2015

     The prospect of applying to college can be daunting, and the stress can impact students of all grade levels in Upper Division. Luckily, Berkeley students are fortunate enough to have a team of...

SAT Undergoes Sweeping Revisions

SAT Undergoes Sweeping Revisions

Katie Freedy, Staff Writer May 12, 2014

Because of the new changes coming to the SAT, the topic of the test’s effectiveness has been called into question once again. The SAT’s purpose is to predict how well a student will do in his or her...

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