This past weekend, the Advanced Theater Ensemble (ATE) performed an adaptation of the play “Pride and Prejudice” under the direction of Theater Director Chris Marshall. Families, fellow students and...
Last semester, Berkeley’s Advanced Theatre Ensemble (ATE) performance of You Can’t Take It With You captivated Berkeley’s audience and left a few, like myself, wondering what else was in store.
Jennifer Luo, Co-Editor-in-Chief
• November 29, 2016
Changing the Constitution is difficult. It takes two thirds of both houses (or two thirds of the states) to call for a proposal for an amendment to the Constitution, and following that lengthy process,...
This year, the Advanced Theatre Ensemble decided to try something different — dividing the cast into two, with one half working on the Main Stage Production that begins shows on October 20, and the other...
This past weekend, Berkeley’s Advanced Theater Ensemble (ATE) put on the production of Alice v. Wonderland. Chris Marshall, ATE’s new director, described these actors as one of the most talented group...
Advanced Theatre Ensemble’s fall play, Alice vs. Wonderland, opens tonight at 7 o’clock! There’s something different about this play, however. Shrouded in mystery, details of...