Seniors Adam Kasti and Giana Moussa Receive the Most Prestigious Awards
The Fanfare interviewed two seniors to learn about their perspective and opinions of their respective awards
June 9, 2023
Headmaster’s Award:
The Headmaster’s Award is presented to the student that truly represents the spirit of Berkeley. To select the recipient of the award, students were asked to nominate a fellow student that they believe makes the most significant difference in the Berkeley community, and if absent, they believe their contribution would be missed the most. With the nominations, a faculty vote is taken to finally determine the recipient of the award. Through this process, it is clear that the Headmaster’s Award has the most prestige because the selection process includes every student and every faculty member. This year’s recipient of the Headmaster’s Award is Adam Kasti.
“Hearing all these accomplishments was very eye-opening to me because while I knew what I had done in each role that I assumed and each action I took during my high school years, I was not really aware how everyone in the Berkeley community perceived my actions and my character. To hear all that and know that I was chosen as the recipient of the award was very humbling,” Kasti said. “As I look back on all what I have done in my four years at Berkeley, not only do I hope to be remembered for what I had accomplished, but also for my hard work, compassion, love for history, and inspiring others to be compassionate work hard to serve the Berkeley community at-large in any capacity they can.”
As the President of the Bands of Berkeley, the Vice President of the Student Forum and the Co-founder of the Islamic Culture Club, there is no denying Kasti’s presence on the Berkeley campus. From composing “Mighty Buccaneers,” a victory tune that was played at many football games and all school convos, to many Trivia Tournaments and daily history facts every convo, it is clear Kasti’s enthusiasm for history and school spirit is second to none.
John Quincy Adams once stated, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Headmaster Joseph Seivold said this quote “encapsulates Adam perfectly, as he is a true servant leader—genuine, authentic, passionate and inspirational, and has had a wide-reaching and ever lasting impact on our community.”
Because of his everlasting mark on the Berkeley Community , Kasti was awarded the Headmaster’s Trophy during the 2022-23 school year.
Read the full speech here:
Headmaster’s Trophy Speech – Joseph Seivold
Betty-Bruce H. Hoover Award
The Betty-Bruce H. Hoover Award was established in 2000 in honor of the then-retiring division director. The award is given to an upper division student who consistently makes a positive impact and serves as inspiration to others, without expecting recognition, but simply for the benefit of the community. This year’s recipient of the award is Giana Moussa.
“I really wasn’t expecting to receive the award at all. To be honest it didn’t even cross my mind,” Moussa said. “I truly thought I was just volunteering to help assist with seating and directions due to my position as Head Guide. My parents had kept it completely hidden from me, and despite seeing them at the ceremony, they convinced me that they were just there to watch me volunteer. In fact, I was under the impression that they believed I was presenting an award, not receiving one. I was completely shocked upon receiving the award and couldn’t believe it, I even teared up a bit as I was extremely honored to receive it. It was such a sweet, yet surprising, moment that I will never forget.”
Moussa was a key part of the Berkeley Community. As a Co-Head Guide, she inspires prospective students to become a part of future generations of Berkeley buccaneers; however, her behind the scenes work is what truly makes her a positive influence for all. No matter what time, Moussa would always help out, even giving up a Sunday to help with the Case Studies Program at the last minute without even giving it a second thought.
One nominator wrote: “Giana is everywhere at once—but you’d never know it. She’s behind the scenes—helping younger guides get prepped for tours, connecting with her freshmen PALS or coming into the Student Life Suite to brighten all of our days.”
“Giana is able to easily engage with anyone she interacts with, and make them feel seen,” Upper Division Director Ryan Jordan stated. “She has undoubtedly made a positive difference in every corner of our community, all without the expectation of recognition.” With this, Moussa earned the Betty-Bruce H. Hoover award, as well as the title of the “unsung hero” for the 2022-23 school year.
Read the full speech here: