Meet Mr. Chahin!

Victor Chahin talks about his life before coming to Berkeley

Laya Kumar, Staff Writer

Victor Chahin used to teach at St. Pauls in Clearwater. He is excited to get to know the Upper Division students better and be part of the Berkeley community.

NUEVO PROFESOR: Victor Chahin talks about his role as the new Spanish teacher.


“I think taking Spanish was a way for me to kind of stay close to my family’s heritage,” said Chahin, who majored in both Spanish and History. Though first starting out with history, he soon switched to Spanish and has loved it ever since. When asking him how he became interested in teaching, Chahin says, “I think I just liked reading and writing and learning.”

Chahin was born in New Jersey and brought up in Northern Illinois, but both of his parents are from the Dominican Republic. Having previously lived in colder states, Chahin says he moved to Tampa, “looking for sunshine and warm weather.” After the move, he first taught at St. Paul’s Independent School but decided to come to Berkeley and teach in the Upper Division. Outside of teaching, he enjoys the outdoors and nature, going to the beach and riding his bike.