Meet Jack Eppink!

Mary Ellinor, Staff Writer

Jack Eppink is the Upper Division teaching fellow at Berkeley. He works in the Writing Center, teaches ninth-grade English and assists the Berkeley Broadcast Network and Pipe and Drum Corps. His two favorite parts about Berkeley are the variety of resources made available to him and his amazing students. Eppink also loves the texts he gets to teach. Currently, his ninth graders are reading and performing Julius Caesar. 


When he’s not helping his students, Eppink is either playing music or watching hockey, with his favorite team being the Tampa Bay Lightning.

BACK HOME: Jack Eppink discusses his love for Berkeley after graduating in 2016 and returning to teach English. (Photo Cred: Mary Ellinor)

Eppink grew up in Tampa and graduated from Berkeley in 2016 to attend Florida State University. His favorite part about Florida State was enjoying the beautiful city of Tallahassee. Initially, Eppink was unsure as to what he was going to do after high school.


“When I got into college and spent a year thinking, it basically boiled down to how much I love English and love helping people understand things,” he said. “Those two things pushed me towards teaching.”