Samir Saeed ’21
November 9, 2020

Q: What are the first words that come to mind when you think of Ms. Frank?
A: Mentor, friend, kind and funny. Ms. Frank was always there for us. She was one of the kindest people that I know; if one of us was having a bad day she would always try to help us through it. Ms. Frank and I also had the same sense of humor which was often based on sarcasm. Because of that, there were so many times when we would both be dying from laughter, and I really miss that.
Q: What is your favorite memory of Ms. Frank?
A: My favorite memory would definitely be our time at Latin States, especially in my sophomore year. Every year, the Latin State Forum is held in the same place in Orlando, and that year we realized that there was an escape room right by it. So we decided to go. It was really special for us to be able to do something like that with Ms. Frank. On top of that, on the last night, Ms. Frank ordered us Chinese food and let all of the Latin club members hang out in her room and play cards. This was a tradition she started a long time ago, and I was really happy to be a part of it.
Q: What was your favorite story Ms. Frank told you about her life?
A: My favorite story Ms. Frank told me was about how her high school did not offer higher level Latin courses so she decided to study with her teacher. Whenever she had a free period, she would come into his office and translate lines of Caesar. It just shows how passionate about Latin she was even from a young age. I think her love and enthusiasm for the subject was apparent in every class she taught, and I think it rubbed off on a lot of students. I know it rubbed off on me because she is a big reason why I am going to major in the Classics in college.
Q: How do you feel Ms Frank impacted your life?
A: Without Ms. Frank, I don’t think I would have loved Latin as much as I do now. She taught us the nuances not only of the Latin language, but also of works of specific authors like Vergil and Caesar. It wasn’t just that she taught us about latin, it was that she did so in such a clear and fun way that you couldn’t help but love it. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Frank was a friend to all of her students, and you could tell that she really cared about each and every one of us. Whether we were asking her about a difficult Latin translation or if we were just venting, she was always there to help us and give us advice.