Rachel Weinbren

Samir Saeed, Co-Editor in Chief

Q: What are the first words that come to mind when you think of Ms. Frank?


A: I think of two words: caring and patient. Ms. Frank had a heart of gold. She cared for every one of her students as a friend and as a pseudo-parent. And with her care came her patience – she also PUT UP with a lot of things from each of her students and each of her classes, but she could almost always be found with a smile on her face. Not in a cheesy fake way but in a genuine laid back calm kind of way. I knew I could go to her with anything, whether it was about Latin or not, because she would be caring and patient with me. That was true when I was in and out of her class.


Q: What is your favorite memory of Ms. Frank?


A: My favorite memory of Ms. Frank isn’t exactly a moment – it’s more of “how” I remember her. I remember her sitting behind her desk, smile on her face, laughing about something ridiculous that I or a classmate said. This memory probably takes place during a lunch period, because I ate a whole lot of lunches in the comfort of the FREEZING COLD Latin room just talking with Ms. Frank. We would laugh and complain and talk through things and just have the best time. She might be holding up her “Bummer, G-d Bless” sign, as well!


Q: What was your favorite story Ms. Frank told you about her life?


A: Probably my favorite story about Ms. Frank was the time she wrote her Master’s Thesis in one night 24 hours before it was due… but that’s because I valued the fact that I was (and am) a huge procrastinator and she made me feel slightly better about that. But that might not be how she wants to be remembered! I know she loved her dogs and her mom and spending their summers together in Michigan, and of course her dogs doing well in their competition.


Q: How do you feel she impacted your life?


A: If we were in person I’d get a little emotional right about now! I think to this day I am still realizing the impact Ms. Frank had on my life. She taught me to care about the things that matter and care a little less about the things that don’t. She modeled for me an intellectual curiosity that (in my opinion) only a Latin class, and only a Latin class with such a stellar teacher, can show you. This curiosity impacts how I think about the world today, drove me to attend the college I did and continues to enrich my life. She was one of the first people I wanted to tell about the big things in my life in HS–I ran to her when I got into the college of my dreams and when my dog died. She showed me what a true friend and a true mentor is. And I will both always remember her and always be thankful to her for this, and so much more, that she gifted me.