Student Forum Strikes Again
A report on the present and future of the Upper Division Student Forum
November 2, 2018
What has Student Forum been up to lately? I recently had the opportunity to sit down with the Secretary of Student Forum Edward Kuperman ’20 to get more information, and it is easy to see that they have been very busy. Every day after school, the Student Forum officers can be observed operating the Bistro by the Sophomore deck. They are not only satisfying our students’ after-school hunger but are also supporting multiple great causes. The profits from the Bistro go towards funding various Student Forum projects, such as the Students Helping Students scholarship fund, an organized charity that assists scholarship students in paying for classroom materials like textbooks. Student Forum has also been in the process of accepting club applications. Student Forum reviews each application carefully, accepts some and then suggests that others become independent service projects. According to Kuperman, we can expect much more from Student Forum in the future because in addition to revealing the accepted clubs, “[UD] is going to be hearing in the next couple weeks about other cool things that Student Forum is starting up.” For those who want to keep up with Student Forum’s latest activities, be sure to follow their new Berkeley twitter account at @bps_stufo.

USKANKA: Edward Kuperman adorns the Russian hat he wore during his convocation Zork announcement.